Grow Long Nails Strong After Acrylic Fingernails

I finally got enough courage to ask my co-worker how she was able to grow her nails long. She told me that she never went without nail strengthener. She used a weekly manicure routine that she did herself at home.

I went home the next day, and looked through my junk drawer of fingernail polish. I couldn't find one bottle of nail strengthener. Was this the reason that I had given up on my nails and covered them with acrylic? Was my lack of knowledge about manicures and the importance of nail strengtheners lacking? Or maybe, I was just lazy and not that serious about nail growth. In an effort to save money, I decided to stop my nail salon visits, and test my co-worker's theory. I decided to remove my fake nails and give weekly manicures a try.

The first few weeks were really rough. It took awhile before my nails healed and actually grew past the breaking point. Having acrylic overlays had ruined my nail bed, and my nails were soft and flimsy. After the damaged grew out, I began to notice improvement. I became accustomed to doing weekly manicures at home, and the results were amazing. My nails were healthy, strong, and surprisingly long. I learned how to type with my fingertips and not my fingernails. I also found out how important nail strengtheners were, when it came to growing longer.

I knew I done something right, when that same co-worker stopped by my desk to tell me how lovely my nails were. With patience and a weekly manicure, I was able to go from acrylics without regretting it. That was over 6 years ago and I've been happy ever since. Sometimes I get lazy and slack off. I'm reminded when I get a chip or crack, how important it is to use nail strengtheners regularly.

Here's what I do to avoid breakage and to grow long fingernails

1. Keep nails clean with warm soapy water. Avoid harsh, drying chemicals and detergents.

2. Use a crystal nail file for ultimate smoothness to prevent cracking and splitting.

3. Wear nail strengthener or thickener at all times to prevent breakage.

4. Never use fingernails as a tool( Open mail with a pen, and type with your finger tips and not fingernails ).

5. Eat a healthy diet, rich in protein.

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